Dear readers, feel free to contact me! Your love, questions, stories and hearts are welcomed. I absolutely love hearing from you.

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8 responses to “CONTACT”

  1. “You’re not a Plan B Kind of Girl” OR GUY

    Hi Ashlin,

    My friend just forwarded your article to me as I am missing someone that wouldn’t commit She told me this article applies to men just as much as women and I’d have to agree.

    I just wanted to say, Thank you!!


    1. Joe,
      Absolutely! And funny you mention that because I’m actually in the process of writing a follow up article that addresses the same issue for guys!

      Thanks for the comment!

  2. I recently found your blog and I cannot tell you how encouraging it is to read. So many times I sit there saying to myself “I’m so glad I’m not the only one!” Thank you so much for your bravery and honesty in your writing! You put into words what I often can’t express.

    God will certainly bless you for writing about Him and His truths so unashamedly.


    1. Thanks so much, Sarah. That’s such an encouragement. Thanks for reading and commenting, you’re precious! So glad to know that I’m not the only one out there thinking/walking through these things.

  3. ¡Hi!
    Randomly ran into your blog…all the way from Central America.
    I cannot tell you enough times how encouraging it was to read it…Im going thru really tough times right now, lots of stress, school related, friendships related, the “he´s just not that into you¨ situation and 5 minutes before I opened the website I was losing it.
    Thankyou for the light you bring with this blog and reminding me that somehow everything works out, being Jesus the center of everything.

    1. That’s so amazing! Thanks for your comment and encouragement!

  4. Your latest blog post “The Road In-Between” has really reached out to me. I’ve really been struggling in the “hallways” of life as I would refer to them, and I’ve spent a lot of time praying and seeking God’s wisdom on what direction to go in, and realizing that I can’t control my own life anymore because that’s just not possible without God’s help. He’s asked me to change my degree, and quit one of my jobs. It’s been hard on me, and I’ve been constantly seeking Him, trying to figure out why he’s asking me to do the things he is. Your blog has inspired me to keep seeking him, to keep asking him to take the wheel in my life. Thank you so much!

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